Saturday, May 17, 2008

A very productive morning

It's 9:37am on a Saturday and I already have the living room re-arranged and cleaned and a load of laundry almost washed. I also emptied the dishwasher and loaded it again.

I couldn't sleep this morning, so I decided I would get up. I started thinking about moving a couple of things in the living room. I had been thinking about it for awhile now, but couldn't decide what to mvoe where.

I decided this morning that Keisha didn't really need her crate in the living room. In the day when she's out it just gets in the way of her running around. I haven't decided evactly what to do with her crate yet, but for now it's in the hall by my office. She's laying accross it trying to get as close as she can to me right now having a nap.

Since I got her, her crate hasn't really moved. I turned it around just before Christmas for awhile until the tree was put up, but she's always been in the dame corner. I'm not sure what she will think of being in a different room. If she really doesn't like it, I could always put her crate in the corner next to the couch. I tried this earlier today, but then decided to put Sophie's bed in front of the window instead. I thought both of them would like to use it then. Not together of course! Sophie would not like that at all. She's sleeping in the chair right now, so I might move her bed back into the bedroom and put Keisha's crate in that corner anyway. I could put Keisha's small bed in front of the window where Sophie's bed is now and they can both use it. Problem solved!

I could also leave her crate where it is right now for awhile until Julian gets back. I don't use the bathroom that it's blocking off, and it will get her use to sleeping in a different place. I guess I'll figure it out when I'm done cleaning up. I still have to clean off the table, finish doing tha laundry and tidy the kitchen. I also have a DIY project going on in the bedroom that involves Loctite and an Ikea bed.

Before I end this post here is a question for dog owners that use crates.

Where do you keep your dogs crate?


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