Saturday, May 24, 2008

Guiding Commands

Heel - Walk on a loose leash at my left side.

Forward - Move forward in a straight line, while avoiding obstacles and people when necessary until she comes to a curb, where she stops or until she is given another command.

Right - Turn right if it is safe and/or possible to do so.

Left - Turn left if it is safe and/or possible to do so.

Hup Up - Walk faster, or pay attention.

Steady - Slow down or be extra careful.

Halt - Stop walking immediately, but stay standing.

Follow - Follow a designated person such as a waiter to a restaurant table, sales person in a store, etc.

Find the curb - Walk up to the edge of a curb cut, centering us in the middle and staying a safe distance from the edge of the street and traffic. Then sit and wait for the "Forward" command. If it is not safe to cross stay sitting and refuse to move. If there are people blocking the curb cut, get as close to the curb cut as possible, sit and wait until the "forward" command is given. Stay sitting until it is safe to cross.

Find the door - Walk to the nearest door and wait. If there is a button to open the door wait by the button. If the door opens on it's own, wait for the "forward" command, then continue through.

Find the elevator - Walk to the nearest elevator door and wait in front of the buttons.


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