Some re-planning is in order
When Keisha was out of her crate it was easy to keep things away from her. All I had to do was put them on the kitchen counter or table. They were out of reach, and safe. Notice how I said “when” and “were”? Well, tonight Keisha proved that she is no longer the little puppy who had came home 24 days ago. She is now more like a toddler.
When she first came home she would leap after Sophie. Sophie would then get up into the chair in the living room, knowing that she was safe form Keisha and her pointy little teath! She would look down at Keisha taunting her knowing there was nothing she could do as long as she kept her paws and tail far enough away form the edge of the chair.
I noticed these past few weeks that Keisha can leap onto the chair and couch! Sophie noticed this when Keisha leapt over the arm of the chair and started biting her, while walking over her! She got out of the chair and Keisha went tumbling out of the chair. This didn’t stop her though, and she chased Sophie onto the couch to get in some more bites!
Now she can jump onto the chair and couch, get cloths that are hanging over the edge of the kitchen counter, put her front paws on the table and get things off there, and jump at the tv! She has so much fun leaping at something she sees moving on the tv. It’s funny right now, but I have to teach her not to do it because I’m sure it won’tbe so funny when a full grown Siberian Husky puts her head through my tv!
I guess the next plan is to just keep the counter tops and table as clear as possible, and to unplug my laptop from the wall before letting her out so she can’t pull it, or anything else from the center of the table by getting tangled in the cord!
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