Potty training problems
Keisha is doing great! She has learned how to sit, and is learning how to lay down. She's very smart, and we are constantly trying to stay one step ahead of her! The only problem we are having is teaching her not to pee in her crate! She doesn't seem to care at all if her crate is wet.
Her crate is right next to the door that leads to the patio. I have a litter box outside the door that Sophie uses, and if Keisha is put out there the first thing in the morning she will pee there. If she is left out there long enough she will also pee. The problem is she don't understand that her crate is not a good place to pee.
When she pees outside I praise her a lot, give her one of her favorite treats, and she gets to play. She realizes this because when she pees, she runs inside to get her treat. When she pees in her crate, I tell her "no" and put her right outside. She will usually hold it, but after awhile she will go. She also pees a little outside and acts like she's done, but as soon as she goes back into her crate she pees.
I have the divider in her crate and it's only big enough for her to turn around in, but she will still pee and lay down in it. I tried leaving the puddle in her crate, and thought that if she realized that it wouldn't be cleaned up right away and that she had to lay in it she wouldn't want to do it, but she just wined for a minute and layed down in it! I even tried letting ehr out with Sophie so she could watch her, but then she just wants to play after watching her intently for a few minutes.
I cleaned out her crate with stuff that takes odors away, but that didn't work either, so the next step I'm thinking of trying is to teach her to go on some paper that will be put in the far end of her crate, and gradually move it outside. I hope something works soon!
Someone suggested that she could have "learning difficulties", but I know I don't have to worry about that! She can learn other things easily, but is just having some problems with this. The same person also suggested that some dogs are impossible to housebreak, but I think any dog can be trained if you know what motivates them and can find something that works for them! I've just got to find out what works for Keisha.
I was reading about how puppies can't physically "hold it" until they are at least 12weeks old. She has another couple of weeks to go until then, so I'm not too worried about it yet. I'm sure things will work out fine. I was also reading about the Misty Method of potty training for puppies. If puppies of that age can be potty trained, I'm sure Keisha can!
And that is why her nickname is "Stinky"!
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