A hyper puppy and a yellow lab.
I took this photo tonight. Sophie was relaxing in her chair, and Keisha decided to leap on top of her. Sophie just turned 10 on Nov. 3rd, and she was never a dog to play a lot. Sure she has her moments where she wants to play, but 10 minutes later she’s back to her calm, relaxed self. Keisha on the other hand is a little bundle of energy with pointy ears! She constantly has to be moving!
Keisha jumps all over Sophie and tries to bite her. She always wants to play, and don’t seem to understand that Sophie doesn’t want to. Sophie growls at her when she bugs her too much, and has even barked at her! She only ever barked a few times in the 8 years we’ve been together before Keisha joined us!
I’m hoping Keisha will learn to leave Sophie alone eventually. Until then I guess I just have to do my best to keep her from bothering Sophie too much!
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