Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Shut the drawer"

I thought I'd post this video I made awhile ago of Keisha shutting the drawers in the kitchen. She learns things pretty quickly, and sometimes it's hard to keep up with her! I'll make some more videos and add them to this blog when I get a new tripod. The one I have now is broken and I need both hands free when I'm teaching her new things.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Keisha!

It's hard to believe, but Keisha turned 1 today! It only seems like a few months ago that we went to pick her up.

She's grown so much! She's almost as tall as Sophie now, and you can probably tell from the photo that she's no longer a little puppy. She even has her "big husky howl" now. Her voice has changed and gotten deeper.

She has calmed down quite a bit too! She still runs and leaps and can't seem to stay still, but every now and then she lays down for awhile. She even likes cuddles now! She also likes sitting up on my lap and watching Sophie. She looks down at her like she's saying "I'm up with mom and your not!" It's like she thinks my lap is shrinking! She doesn't realize she is growing. Pretty soon I'll have a fully grown husky on my lap trying to cuddle! She's even treating Sophie a lot better now! That's an accomplishment on it's own!

I went to the store earlier today to buy her something for her birthday. It's a small store, and the only think I could find was a package of Busy Bones. They are for small to medium dogs and have two in a pack so I thought they could share them. I gave the package to Keisha and she carried it around a bit before I opened it and gave them a bone each. Keisha loved hers. She ate most of it before I took it away. I didn't want her to be sick from eating all of it so she'll get the other half tomorrow. Sophie sniffed hers but didn't eat it. She don't really chew on anything besides her Nylabone.

They laid down together for awhile with their bones before supper. They are both laying down to have naps now. I also made a video of them earlier and I'll add it to an entry when I edit it. Right now I'm going to go make supper for myself. It's almost 10:30pm.

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